Consistency is conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness.

I had a habit of being an habitual quitter.

Especially when it started getting too hard or requiring too much of me. I was done and over it, unless there was something in it for me larger than the sacrifice. Sounds pretty selfish right? I found out the sooner I was honest with myself the sooner I was able to face my inconsistency and get consistent.

Even though the word consistency screams permanent and commitment; two of the worst words to hear for someone that was dealing with abandonment, it also meant change and freedom from the hamster wheel of insanity.

So, when it came to my relationship with God it was no different. I would start each year strong. Commiting to do better than I did the year before when it came to speaking to him daily. But, considering I was a habitual quitter that would only last but so long. That is until I changed my perspective.

Now this may sound terrible, but hey honesty is the best policy. I had to start saying what is in this for me? My peace, direction, and clarity to start. However, I learned very quickly that even though that was my initial reason for being consistent as he begin to speak clearer to me I wanted to spend time with him out of admiration and love for him. That my 10 and 15 min sessions with him were slowly turning into 30 min to an hour sessions. The more consistent I got with him the louder he spoke.

But, this scripture Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both..." really made a light bulb go off for me. The word is very clear that you have to choose a side. Period. So if I was too busy for God but had time for the world (family, my job, school and to watch tv) I had chose and was continuing to choose the wrong side. I learned very quickly that my inconsistency with him was so much bigger than I thought it was.

So I will pose the question to you, which side does your consistency say you have chosen?  

Comment below and be honest. 

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