Fear is inevitable, but will you allow it to stop you?
For many years, I have heard the story of Noah and how at a time when rain was no where in sight, the Lord instructed him to save his family and every animal in a set of twos by building an ark.
However, it wasn't until God led me to hear a message and read the book of Hebrews that I learned that Noah was faced with something a lot of us deal with on a regular basis while building the boat...FEAR.
As pointed out in the passage above, but by faith he still accomplished what he set out to do. Fear is inevitable it will come at the worst time, every time. But, it is up to you to decide if YOU will let it stop you from reaching your goal.
Fear comes upon me every time I speak in front of an audience no matter the size. It was so bad for years I believed I was an introvert and suffered from stage fright. However, when I asked God to reveal to me my identity and purpose he revealed that I was actually an extrovert that he was using to speak on huge platforms in front of millions, but I had allowed the enemy and fear to stop me from living in my purpose. So to stomp on fear every single time I pray before every speaking engagement. Yes even when going live and fear disappears and God takes over.
I challenge you to do something today that fear has stopped you from doing.
Comment below and tell me when you get it done! I can't wait to see how many of us will stomp on fear today by choosing faith.