Dishonesty that led to death...
Honesty is a facet of moral character that implies positive andvirtuous attributes such as integrity and truthfulness.
Matthew 7:16 tells us that we are known by are fruit. So we should be examples of God by living lives of integrity and truthfulness.
But, come on. Let's be honest we have all told a little lie before. Done a little stretching of the truth as my grandmother likes to call it. No big deal right?
Wrong. The Lord has an amazing way of leading us into his word, to clarify any areas we may need clarification in. He led me to the story of Ananias and Sapphira in
Acts 5:1-11.
I never knew of their story prior to that moment. Quick synopsis: Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold a piece of property. They made the decision together to hold back a portion of the proceeds from the sale for themselves. Ananias brought the portion they agreed to give to the apostle's feet and what happened next blew me away.
Acts 5:3 But Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God." Then Ananias, fell dead. ...Three hours later when his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. And Peter answered her, "Tell me whether you sold the and for so much? She said, "Yes for that much." Peter then said what he had to say and she then also fell dead.
I know this example may be a bit extreme. But is it really? Anytime we are dishonest whether about a big matter or small one, God hears it and the fruit we are bearing is not reflective of him.
Comment below and tell me about a time you told a white lie that grew so big you couldn't keep up with it. Can't wait to hear yours so I can share mine. Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy!