What is your Faith level?

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Faith means to have complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

I have been really questioning lately what my true faith level on a scale of 1-10 is. Do I really have complete trust or confidence in God? I don't think so.

So I asked God to lead me to stories in the bible that would help me determine my faith level. Stories where I would be able to ask myself if I was in the same position, would I have done what they chose to do. He led me to several stories that honestly had me side eyeing myself, like girl you need to get it together. Don't worry I won't share them all. I'll share the one that made me really understand why I continue to be tested in the area of my faith regularly. Because I'm not quite there yet.

The story that really made me stretch my faith meter was Esther (beginning in Esther 2:5). Esther lived in ancient Persia about 100 years after the Babylonian captivity. When Esther's parents died, the orphaned child was adopted and raised by her older cousin Mordecai.

Esther was a Jew, but she was taken as the wife of Ahasuerus, the king of the Medes and Persians. This king had a right hand man in his court named Haman who devised a plot to eliminate the Jews. Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, learned of the plot and told Esther to talk with the king about the wicked plan.

Esther was the queen, but their relationship was not like that of husbands and wives today. She needed to request an audience of the king just like anyone else would. To enter the king’s presence without an invitation could get Esther killed.

Mordecai said that Esther was brought to the position she had “for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14) She was the one who could alert the king of Haman’s plan.

Esther responded that she would stand up for her people even if it meant death, so she trusted God to guide her in revealing the evil plot against her people. By faith, Esther boldly revealed her heritage as a child of God’s people, and stopped wicked Haman’s plan.

Yeah a sister isn't quite there yet. LOL

Comment and tell me what you think your faith level is on a scale from 1-10? Would you be willing to lay your life on the line for your people? Can't wait to hear yours so I can share mine. I'm committing to increase my faith level this year. How about you?

Check out below my new Word of the Week line to remind me daily to grow my faith level

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