““Have any of these prophets/friends been in the Lord’s presence to hear what he is really saying? Has even one of them cared enough to listen?”
Jeremiah 23:18 NLT
Does the character, integrity, and morality of your circle say that you are elevating or being demoted. Notice how I didn't put any inference on financial status or material value. Even though that plays a part in the elevation of a circle if it is built on a terrible foundation (the intentions of the heart and integrity) it will only last but so long before crashing and burning.
I want to give you 3 ways to check the temperature of your circle.
I received a text this morning that said, Thank you for not being afraid to speak frankly and say exactly what God says, the way He says and with the tone He wants you to say it in! It is a gift He has given you sis! I don't like when God talks to me that way but I am also thankful He does! Please never stop calling me out directly or indirectly.
As I was reading her text, I immediately thought of a couple times that God told me to say things to her that were uncomfortable to me or too stern for my taste but I knew I had heard him say what he said, so I had to do what he told me to and how he told me to do it.
This is one way to test the temperature of your circle. Do you have a whole bunch of yes men around you or people that no matter how uncomfortable it is to them they are going to tell you what God is telling them to tell you and how he told them to tell you whether you like it or not. Whether you receive it or not. (But before determining whether you receive it or not you better go ask God about it because we all know what assuming does).
Another way of testing the temperature of your circle is do they assist you with stewarding your position well in each play. In some plays or assignments God is calling me to be the leader or head, in others he is calling me to be a vision pusher or to serve.
My circle helps me play my position well. Meaning if God is calling me in a play to serve that means I am to do exactly that. Serve. I am not coming in to take over. To be seen and heard without being asked. My circle will understand that and not be like girl you are so gifted you need to let them know who you are or encourage me to do anything opposite of how God is telling me to be postured.
Last but definitely not least my circle is going to PUT ME ON BUT.... when God tells them to put me on not when I think I should be put on. What does that mean you ask? So for example I have a community of well over 50 people from PFP (Shout out to PFP!!). They all are doing some amazing things. Writing books, creating programs, getting married, having babies, creating youtube channels, podcasts and the list goes on and on. Praise be to God.
That if I could be honest stretches me in my posture all the time because I would love to support and give to everyone for everything they are doing. However, I only do it when God tells me to. I only purchase their books when he tells me to. I only share their flyer when he tells me to. I know this may sound harsh but the honest truth is God is doing a work in a lot of our hearts to see why we do the stuff we do.
Are we doing it because we want validation and people to see us or because we want people to see God?
So sometimes he has me (what appears to the world as ignore or not support them) not put someone on so he can test their heart and see their true intentions. True friends would choose to support you in this way versus the other way any day. Because a close friend of mine recently chose to put me on when God told her to one of my other businesses was able to attain a recurring client of a 1.2 million dollar home. So trust God more than you do Yourself and what you want.
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