What is your perception of your FLOOD?
Flood is an overflowing of a large amount of water beyond its normal confines, especially over what is normally dry land.
I went to sleep last night not knowing at all what this week's word would be on. That was until I woke up this morning...
This morning I woke up to my house flooded. Yep you heard me right Noah's ark type flooded. Long story short our water heater quit overnight and no longer wanted to fulfill the duties they were hired for. Hey it happens to the best of us. LOL! So as my husband is frantically looking for the wet vac and towels there was this peace over me that was a little bit scary to be honest.
I started helping him wipe the water up and remove the clothes and baskets out of the laundry room where everything started. I then picked up my phone and filed a claim with our warranty company still with this peace just surrounding me. Mrs. Thomas we can't have anyone out until tomorrow, was what I heard on the phone and the old me knowing that I leave tomorrow at 8 am for Philly, my husband has to work because he called out today, and Lord knows we don't want my grandmother to have to make house decisions on her own would have broke down or felt defeated. But nope when I felt like the rep wasn't doing everything she possibly could I said very calmly I will call back.
I hung up the phone and said now Lord this is your house and you know we can't go without water until tomorrow and I won't be here tomorrow. He instructed me to call again and lo and behold they found someone who could come by 1 pm today. This weekend I attended the YLC (Young Leaders Conference) if you haven't heard of it you are missing out. But I learned a lot of things but the main thing I learned was that I came in one way but came out another way. That I have the power and authority not to just say I have but to actually use it to have everything the Lord promised me.
But more importantly that my reaction to things is all in my perception. A flood can immediately be perceived as something bad especially when on an area that is meant to be and stay dry. However, when God is bringing water to a droughted area the flood is now praised because it is bringing life to a deserted area!
So, today I chose to look at my flood as the latter. It was God sending me confirmation that my dry season is over and it is now time to bring life to the deserted areas in my life. It also taught me to be grateful for the small things like a Home warranty and home insurance two things that I dread paying every month feeling like I will never see a return on my investment that is until the rainy day like today.
So I ask again what is your perception of the flood in your life? Comment below and let me know.
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