What if God asked for a return on your most prized possession?

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Return is to give, put, or send (something) back to a place or person.

Well here we are again.... Back at the uncomfortable extra vulnerable stories.

About a month or two ago I heard the Lord tell me to return my vehicle. Yes, surrender it back to the bank! I just couldn't understand why on God's green earth he would want me to do such a thing.

Ok, maybe that is not so true. I obviously knew why he would be telling me to do it but didn't want to believe he was telling me that.

So long story long, I had a Mercedes Benz prior to my current vehicle which was an Acura. But, when I found out I was pregnant and that my car would need some work I made the not so great choice to trade it in for a lower maintenance car. Well I purchased a lower maintenance car (Acura) but I also was now upside down on my car. Meaning I owed more for the Acura to the bank then it was worth.

The Lord just kept saying he was doing a new thing. That I just needed to trust him and know that he was aligning my life with his word. That he was making me the head and not the tail above and not beneath. Deuteronomy 28:13 All of this sounded great but how could I possibly explain this to my husband. Well quitting and going back isn't an option so I just had to go for it.

A couple of days ago the day had come to return the vehicle. Boy, was I not as ready as I thought. Now, we have another vehicle that is fully paid off, so it wasn't the thought of having no car. It was just bittersweet because it was as if God was getting rid of that last little piece of the old materialistic, people pleasing, caring about what everyone else would think or say Destiny to do a new thing. It was such an emotional day, so much that the Lord specifically instructed me to allow my emotions to react but then dust myself off and move on.

Later on that day, I informed my mother of what I had done and she had an old Chrysler that she purchased for my brother prior to him getting a new car that she decided to gift to me! So look at God I went from paying an almost $300 car payment every month to having a car paid in cash! But if I wasn't obedient or cared to much about what the world would say versus what God was telling me to do I would still be throwing away almost $300 a month.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Destiny, do you know how that will affect your credit. Destiny, that is considered a repossession.Yeah, yeah, yeah I know all of that. But, what I know more importantly is God told me to do it, that he didn't care about my credit because it was a clear indication that I wasn't living in alignment with his word, and that he would take care of me. 


My ONLY job is to trust him and be obedient so that's what I am going to continue to do. Can you say the same? Would you be willing to do the same to live in your purpose? 
Comment below with your response.

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