The revealing has such a greater impact the larger the storm was!

Revealed wow.jpg

Revealed is to cause or allow (something) to be seen.

For months.. well actually over a year, God kept telling me that he had me hidden. And if I could be completely honest I didn't know how to feel about that or truthfully what that even meant.

But, as I spent more and more time with God and in my word, he started to reveal it to me. In so many words it meant he was preparing me and thickening my skin. That he was going to have me working in a way where it seemed like nobody was paying attention or noticing what I was doing. Where I would maybe even reach out to people of influence and be told one thing when they would do another or even worse be ignored. 

I would be lying if I said this process wasn't hard and very humbling all at the same time. It was eye opening to see some of my favorite  influencers and yes even the christian ones, that would see my messages and respond agreeing to things just to not hold their end of the bargain. To scrape up money (yes literally scrape up money) for events, webinars and coaching to "get in the room" with the gurus just to have God say I didn't call you there and I don't want you implementing anything they have told you to, because we are doing a new thing.  

I got sick and tired of feeling stuck. But, I guess God could say he got sick and tired of me wanting and taking advice from everyone but just him. The Creator of all Creators. It was in the moment I got out of my own way and committed to do this journey totally his way, that my hidden season was expedited.

It was then I begin to hear God say, "You will soon be revealed to the world and no longer in hiding." I could have jumped for joy but I know God's soon is not my soon and I didn't want to get to hype to soon. But he said what he said! Literally a week after that I begin to have some big influencers that I wasn't even checking for follow me on social media, reach out to interview me, share my stuff and the list goes on. Now, let's be clear it's not about wanting the followers and validation. It's about knowing you have something that could change the world and wanting to get that to as many people as possible and the fastest way possible is "SOCIAL MEDIA and WITH INFLUENCERS!"

What I learned was the hidden process was NECESSARY! It made my skin tough. It gave me the opportunity to create boundaries and non negotiables, because without those you will fall for anything that glitters, that may not have God in it. It showed me the true colors of some of the ones I wanted to bring along with me that God was begging me to let go of. But more importantly it taught me that God truly knew what he was doing and his way had me like it says in Deuteronomy 28:2. "And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God.

His way had the people of influence checking for me. It had it where my true followers and supporters were sending referrals left and right and the work I was ok doing with 1 view or no email subscribers was now making it with hundreds a cake walk. Where I was invited to come to New York City and be on TV! Yes you heard that right!

I was on Tv... Check out pictures below!

Would you show up if no one was checking for you? Would you do the work when God had you doing it for just him and you? Would you be still standing and moving forward if he had you hidden for over 30 days? How about 6 months? How about a year?

Comment below Be honest with your response.

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