Would you still be willing to serve even if it made you look like a fool?
Serve is to perform duties or services for (another person or organization).
So would you? Would you be willing to serve even if it made you look like a fool?
If this question was posed to me before fully submitting to God, I would have said No. I mean we are here to be honest. Right? This is a no judgement zone. Right? Well back in May an opportunity was presented to me to speak on someone's platform for a 3 day event. We ended the conversation with both of us agreeing to take the matter before God to confirm that he wanted me to be apart of the event. So I took this matter before God and asked if he wanted me to speak at the event and received a Yes in response. To take it one step further I asked him if that was also, what he was going to confirm for the person coordinating the event and he responded again with Yes.
After this the person and I reconnected and both received the confirmation to move forward. We discussed logistics in regards to what would and would not be included (travel, lodging, etc.) As days passed and the event begin to get closer and closer, the communication I would have with the coordinator was let's just say wasn't what i was accustomed to coming from a corporate background. There was a lot of texting back and forth and when we did get on the phone it was crickets or they would have to call me back just to lead to more texting.
As the days got even closer a lot of the agreed inclusions were no longer looking as if they were included and the way they were communicating was borderline disrespectful when I reached out to just confirm what was going on. So for a whole week or three, I kept asking God are you sure this is what he wanted me to do. Just to hear yet again that he said what he said. I was bringing this up so much in prayer that on July 17th he replied, Destiny I have told you that I need you there so Go and don't ask me again or you'll be in blatant disobedience.
Little did I know but after he would give me these instructions 20 more things would occur that would make me definitely not want to go. But, I am guessing he knew which is why he made it where I couldn't ask him again. I mean guys my entire family and my closest friends knew everything going on and was like are you sure this is God? The way I was being treated was as if I was a peasant that needed an opportunity and was willing to put myself and my account in the negative to be there. It was so bad I was praying daily for The Lord to change my heart before coming face to face with this person whose manners, communication and relationship with God were nowhere to be found when we communicated.
In obedience, I traveled over 4 hours with my son still not knowing hardly anything in regards to my arrangements other than me originally being asked to pray and doing a workshop would now be on the itinerary as me praying, doing a workshop and on a panel speaking. For the first time doing ministry, I felt as if my gift and I were being used and abused. As if I was being ostracized because to them I was just someone that prays on facebook and instagram. To arrive and be informed that I would be sharing a hotel room with not 1 but 2 other grown women to then get to the event and find out my room would now be changed to a room of my own but that would only be for one night.
Even with all of this confusion I woke up bright and early to pack all my stuff up again, to make sure I was on time for what I had agreed to do. But, just when I thought things were turning around for the good because my prayer and workshop went amazing I was then kicked back to the ground. I went to the coordinator during the 3 hour break to ask for the details for my new hotel room to be informed that they would be getting my room finalized by 3 when it was closer to check in time OR this is the gut punching part. Or that they had a male friend that worked long hours that is never home that had a spare bedroom I could sleep in. I think I was so in shock that I just stared like is this a joke.
I responded with my husband nor I would be ok with me sleeping in a spare bedroom of a complete stranger. I guess this made them mad because they replied with "What do you want from me?" at this point we are back to texting because they have left the venue at this time. Not talking on the phone about such an important matter but texting. I politely replied what it was I wanted from them. You are not going to guess what happened. NOTHING! For over 5 hours I received no response at all. Thank God I had family close by to stay with so I didn't sleep in my car. To then receive a message hours later saying I could return to the hotel. What hotel? IDK and I didn't bother to find out. Now, this part I may have been out of the will of God because I chose to serve no longer. I couldn't possibly show up. You not only disrespected me but also my husband and my marriage.
I made a choice to not ask God what it is he wanted me to do going forward. I just chose disobedience not even knowing if that was what it was. I begin to question if I heard from God at all or if it was just me. So a couple days later, I decided to take it before him. He replied with Nope that was me I told you to Go. You allowed your feelings and emotions to stop you from completing the assignment. You will not miss out on your blessing because you went further than most but, Destiny I was persecuted and knew I would be and still followed through with serving. Our flesh can take our focus off the only one that is supposed to validate and approve us. Which is me.
So I'll ask again. Would you be willing to serve even if it made you look like a fool?
Hit Reply and Be honest with your response.
As of August 15th the Shift will go into full effect. I will be doing a full shift in my business, pricing and the products and services that I offer. I can't share all the changes right now but what I can say is if you haven't tried Prayerpy and have been contemplating if you should.
Now, would be the time because if you are not a PFP member they will not be offered the way they are now EVER again. Yes I feel like my heart is being torn out but I know my father is no deadbeat and wants my life to be a true reflection of him and not a perverted one. So I have no other option but to GO!
I know I have put in the work, time, and taken on the spiritual warfare required for where he is taking me. I know that I have proven myself to be an expert in my field and in my gift. So I now have to show up as just that, The Expert. This week I was told by someone Ilook up to that she would love to collaborate with me but she couldn't because her clients would take me as a joke, because of my pricing with the testimonials I have. That stung because I knew and know what God has placed in me could change the world but that my poverty mindset would have me stuck watching those God has blessed through me, soar pass me.
So here I am again letting you all know I am not perfect. That just like you I have suffered and still suffer sometimes from fear, not feeling worthy enough and disobedience. But my father is a father of Grace and not only for me me but for you as well. He will pick you up when you fall. He will redirect and create a detour when you are lost. I mean he is the ultimate "GPS" system of rerouting. Check outwww.instagram.com/tb_scribetribe to purchase the book about being rerouted by God written by one of my sister's and accountability partners, Cierra. Now is the time to surrender. Even when afraid and feeling like you are about to sacrifice everything you know for the unknown. But hey I did it before and he provided why not do it again with more clarity and instruction of how this ride will go.
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