There is no such thing as BALANCE! SAY WHAT....

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Balance is a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.

I am not sure why or where the idea even came from that there is a such thing as having balance in life. Let me be the bearer of bad news and tell you THERE IS NO SUCH THING!

Now, the closest thing to it is prioritization and seasons. When I realized this, it was as if someone had promised to clean my house for a year or even better like I checked my account and found 1 million dollars had stumbled inside of it. LOL! I finally was ok with giving myself grace and the fact that it was ok to not do anything for one whole day other than lay on the couch and watch movies with Bubby and Kj. That my business would not fail because of that. That my world would not be over.

I learned the importance of seasons. I learned that there would be times when I would have to miss several events and not hang out because it is time to grind. But that this whole image of #teamnosleepforeverorevenforsixmonths wasn't a membership your girl wanted to be a member of. That 90 days of straight work and grind was my max. That if I truly believed that God created a lane just for me and that the speed limit was based on me. I could take a pit stop ANYTIME I WANTED and the road would be there waiting for me when I got back to it.

Learn today, the importance of seasons and prioritizing. Don't be like I was a couple of months back. Looking left, right and behind while trying to keep up with the Jones, Kardashians and 10 other people who have been entrepreneurs for 10 years when I only have been for not even 2. While trying to balance everything my marriage was getting tough, anxiousness was trying to take me out of here and my son saw me in front of a computer so much that he thought that was what my face looked like now. Oh yeah and I was exhausted for taking in way more clients than dollars. Now let's not get it twisted I LOVE WHAT I DO and honestly would do it for free. HOWEVER, MR. THOMAS is a money man, straight from the Bronx, who believes wholeheartedly in the mantra "If it don't make money it don't make sense."

So this whole come to Jesus moment I had made me realize change had to happen and fast. So I did as I try to always do and took it to God. The Lord said, "Destiny you have lost sight of the mission. You are giving credit to the talents and gifts that I have given you and forgetting that I am your provider. But, most importantly you are forgetting my order." After crying of course, Y'all know I am a big baby. I made a vow, well let me stop lying the Lord told me to shut it all down and get it together. It was amazing how quickly everything changed when I was back in the will of God. So stop trying to balance your seesaw and just pick which side you want to prioritize for this season.

While you are figuring out which side to choose. Take advantage of Realizing Destiny the podcast...

After a little hiatus... I’m back!

Tune in while Chamel Evans and I dig into the tea behind finding balance as a
wife, mother, and mompreneur and also the importance of prayer while juggling so many hats!

There is also a big announcement of some new things
#realizingdestinypodcast are offering for kingdom entrepreneur and kingdom builders now. Link in comments
Tune in Now

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