God's Igging Game is Strong or is it?


Have you ever said, “What’s the point, he’s not listening anyway?” Well you may not be ready to be honest with yourself. But, I have! More times than I can and would like to count. Especially from 2011 to 2014, I had just been diagnosed with an infertility condition known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS for short in 2011. I know what you’re thinking a what the what or at least that is what I was thinking when my OBGYN decided to enlighten me with this news.

All I knew at this point was that I had suffered a miscarriage a year prior and now had been trying for a little over a year to conceive again, with no positive pregnancy test in sight. I remember that question being a recurring one in my discussions in my head during prayer. At this point I had served God my whole entire life or at least since I was old enough to take an account for myself.

I had lived life the “right way.” I had the husband, the good financial status, a home, a nice sized vehicle for the carseat, and even the little fur baby that my baby would grow-up to be best friends with. But no baby. As my infertility journey went from passing days to months from months to years my begging and pleading was beyond desperate.

It was at about the 3 year mark when God finally replied, “You are being a hypocrite.” Giving him the side eye I responded, “Really God I am three years into this journey now. I’ve been begging and pleading to hear from you and an insult is all you got?” And that is when he begin to read me. “ Destiny I’ve been speaking to you all along but you’ve been so busy talking and dumping your problems on me that you haven’t shut your mouth and listened.”

But God I’ve been seeking you regularly in prayer and have gotten nothing until now. “Destiny you haven’t been effectively praying to me. You haven’t been praying in the way to discern my voice. Prayer means to commune and be in conversation with me. Which means you speak and I listen and then I speak and you Listen! Destiny how could you possibly come to me for help about a problem but get up before receiving my help?

My sweet daughter I have given you two ears and one mouth for a reason. I am going to give you some steps to follow every single day that will assist you with hearing from me loud and clear every single time you seek me to assure we never have this problem again. (For the steps that God gave me go to www.realizingdestiny.com). Now to answer your initial reason for being here.

Destiny you are right you do have the husband, the house, the job, the car and even the little fur baby but more than you will give that child these material things you will given him your brokeness. Honey you are broken. You don’t know your true value and worth. You are still dealing with rejection, abandonment and identity issues. Seek me daily using the tools I have given you and allow me to cleanse you from the inside out to prepare you for the greatest harvest you have ever seen.


The Prayerpist