Abundance is a very large quantity of something or what I like to call OVERFLOW!
Now I have to warn you this is about to get real vulnerable and transparent. So here we go...
A couple of weeks ago I found myself frustrated with God. I found myself really giving God a piece of my mind. I had grown frustrated at the fact that after everything I did and do for God he was still only showing up right on time with just enough.
Just to be as honest and transparent as possible. I said, God I feel like a fraud. I am telling people that your way is the best and easiest way but is that even true. Yes, I have so much peace but my accounts are in uproar. Lord I know I lived paycheck to paycheck in corporate and robbed Peter to pay Paul but at least I knew when the check was coming. I definitely can't say that now. I just know that you come through every time but with just enough.
Lord, your word says I am the lender and not the borrower, the head and not the tail. It says that if I sow into good ground I will reap a harvest I won't have room enough to receive. Father I sow and sow and sow some more. Where is all of that father?
In his gentle but stern voice he replied, "Are you done?"
Like a dog with his tail between his legs I weeped as I said, "Yes." Well Destiny if we are both honest with each other there are some particular things I have asked you to complete that are directly correlated to your abundance. Don't you recall me asking you how would you feel if until you completed this task you would have just enough? Right! The other thing is I specifically asked you to show me you were a good steward over your finances by pulling back on fast food purchases... and we both know the answer to how you have been doing with that.
Destiny your obedience to me is amazing. However, as your father I still can't bless you abundantly financially until I know you won't waste it. I have given you test after test to work on your diligence and consistency to help you but you fail every single time. Let me remind you of some of those test; waking up by 6 am Monday through Saturday, speaking your affirmations daily, saving, intermittent fasting, working out 3x a week, journaling every single morning not later in the day, not ordering fast food. Ok. Ok I catch your drift. I am the reason I am not living in abundance. Got it!
Can anyone else relate to this?
Comment below and tell me if you are living in the abundance you seek? If your answer is no also tell me why not.